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Shaken not stirred. With a twist of pickle.

I woke up this past weekend (crazy I know -who gets out of bed daily?  This girl here) and opened the fridge to find a glass with a cute little note on it.

For mom *happy face*

Awwwwwww. Right?

Then I found two pickle slices in what was water. Hmmm. Pickles? In water? Just for me? What.

I asked who put it there and my son said he did and he made it special for me. I have no idea why he thought I’d like pickle infused water but he did and he seemed rather proud of his creation. As a good mom would do I drank it. I did not eat the pickles. I treated them like lemon slices.

You should really try pickle infused water. It’s actually very refreshing.

Recipe: (according to my 10 year old)

You cut 2 slices of pickle (he used sodium reduced President’s Choice Blue Menu no garlic dill pickles).
Place in a small glass of water.
Place in fridge overnight.


It is a very mild pickle taste by the way. It’s not overly vinegar tasting. Just pickly. If pickly is a word?

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