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Shaken not stirred. With a twist of pickle.

I woke up this past weekend (crazy I know -who gets out of bed daily?  This girl here) and opened the fridge to find a glass with a cute little note on it.

For mom *happy face*

Awwwwwww. Right?

Then I found two pickle slices in what was water. Hmmm. Pickles? In water? Just for me? What.

I asked who put it there and my son said he did and he made it special for me. I have no idea why he thought I’d like pickle infused water but he did and he seemed rather proud of his creation. As a good mom would do I drank it. I did not eat the pickles. I treated them like lemon slices.

You should really try pickle infused water. It’s actually very refreshing.

Recipe: (according to my 10 year old)

You cut 2 slices of pickle (he used sodium reduced President’s Choice Blue Menu no garlic dill pickles).
Place in a small glass of water.
Place in fridge overnight.


It is a very mild pickle taste by the way. It’s not overly vinegar tasting. Just pickly. If pickly is a word?


Everything the light touches is yours.

K2 decided Winston needed to go up the giant hill at a local park. What a view from up there. In the distant is the local museum grounds.

On the walk around the pond, that’s located at the bottom of the giant hill, K2 showed me where there is a bird nest which had a bird sitting in it! He said when he first found it there was a baby bird in it but today it was definitely the mother in there. I tried to get a picture of it but it didn’t turn out.


It's a bird. Not a plane. Look closer.

See somewhere in there is a bird at eye level.

Good times with the kids and I’m so happy they go out and explore and find nifty little things like an in use bird nest (which they know not to touch). It reminds me of my childhood.

Like the time I had an old sheep shed for a play house and birds made nests in it. Then they dive bombed me when I went to play in it one day. Nothing like opening a door and getting a face full of bird to be one with nature. Good times. Good screaming times.


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